EMS Deployment Community of Practice

Welcome to the EMS Deployment Community of Practice

As a brief introduction, “communities of practice” are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and seek to learn how to do it better as they interact with others through sharing their experience and knowledge.  The focus of this group will be topics related to improving the performance of EMS as it relates specifically to organizing and deploying resources. To help organize the discussions, a growing list of topics will appear below. Please be thoughtful and respectful in commenting and insert comments that are pertinent to the individual specific topics.

We will start with “11 of the Top 10 Tips for High Performing EMS” by Rob Lawrence of Richmond Ambulance Authority

1. Economic Efficiency

2. Data is Our Favorite Four-Letter Word

3. System Status Management (SSM)

4. Clinical Excellence

5. Lean Systems

6. Culture of Safety

7. We Are Public Health As Well

8. Innovation and Research

9. Community-Based Programs

1o. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

11. The Four Words That Count Most

2 responses to “EMS Deployment Community of Practice

  1. daleloberger

    A reader offered up this link to multiple fire department EMS analysis reports over time:

  2. Lucinda Marrero

    I need to take my refreshment test this year.
    I would like to know what I need to do and the dates for 2015.
    Thanking you in advance.

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